The printed circuit board is loaded with expensive components…and it does not work! There is no starting over, and the choices seem ominous: scrap it or send it out. Either way, it's going to cost you. Do you have a third option? IPC's Rework, Repair and Modification Training and Certification Program offers your company the money-saving alternative: fix it yourself!
This program teaches industry-approved techniques on through hole and surface mount rework, land, conductor and laminate repair. It also provides a flexible, highly skills-oriented training program with teaching materials that enable a qualified representative from your company to train operators on a variety of procedures from the IPC-7711B/7721B Rework of Electronic Assemblies/Repair and Modification of Printed Boards and Electronic Assemblies.
The processes in the IPC-7711C/7721C are intended to be used by operators and technicians who have at least some knowledge and experience in rework and repair of circuit boards. The training uses step-by-step process instructions to build upon the knowledge, skills, and abilities already obtained by the Certified IPC Specialist (CIS) candidate or Certified IPC Trainer (CIT).
The Certified IPC Trainer course covers common rework and repair techniques. Certified IPC Specialist training is modular and only the introductory module, Common Procedures, is a required element. Other Certified IPC Specialist level modules are taught based on a company's needs.
The credential, the savings, and the materials, that's what! This program provides and all companies with a valuable industry-recognized credential. Clearly, the greatest asset of this program can be measured in dollars saved on restoring very expensive electronics assemblies.
IPC Trainers and Specialists are certified for two years.
IPC-7711/7721 Certified Specialist (CIS)
Rework, Repair and Modification Training
Certified IPC Training
Training schedule IPC-7711/7721 CIS
Modules 1 to 10 (theory and practice)
Module 1:
Duration: ca 5 hours
Introduction, Policy and Procedures, Common Procedures
Module 2:
Duration: theory - ca 0,5 hours, practice – 2,5 hours
Wire Splice
Module 3:
Duration: theory - ca 45 minutes, practice – ca 1,5 hours
Module 4:
Duration: theory - ca 45 minutes, practice – ca 4,5 hours
Through Hole
Module 5:
Duration: theory - ca 45 minutes, practice – ca 2,5 hours
Chip and MELF
Module 6:
Duration: theory - ca 1 hour, practice – ca 4 hours
Gull Wing
Module 7:
Duration: theory - ca 0,5 hours, practice – ca 1,5 hours
Module 8:
Duration: only theory - ca 0,5 hours
Module 9:
Duration: theory - ca 0,5 hours, practice – ca 1,5 hours
Laminate Repair
Module 10:
Duration: theory - ca 45 minutes, practice – ca 2 hours 45 minutes
Circuit Repair
Module 11:
Duration: only theory - ca 45 minutes
Trainers Skills - only for Certified Trainers
25 questions, open book, duration: ca 2,5 hours
Daily training plan:
- 9:00 Start of the training
- 10:30 Coffee break
- 10:45 Continuation of the training
- 12:00 Lunch
- 13:00 Continuation of the training
- 14:30 Coffee break
- 14:40 Continuation of the training
- 16:00 End of the training
The exam day plan:
Last day of the training
- 8:30 Start of the training
- 9:00 Start of the exam
- 10:30 Coffee break
- 10:45 Continuation of the exam
- 12:00 Graduation and evaluation
pdfPB Technik formularz zamówienia IPC7711-7721.pdf
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pdfProgram szkolenia IPC 7711-7721-CIS.pdf
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pdfRegulamin działu szkoleń 01.06.pdf
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pdfIPC 7711/7721 Schedule
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pdfOrder form IPC-7711/7721
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IPC 7721/7711